NEJM – pulmonary and critical care
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
JAMA – critical care
- The Last Conversation
- Inhaled Sedation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Sevoflurane Sedation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Optimal Vasopressin Initiation in Septic Shock
- Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Sepsis and Septic Shock
- HIV Viral Suppression With Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy
- Corticosteroids for Sepsis, ARDS, or Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- Shorter Antibiotic Course Effective for Bloodstream Infections
- Making Pragmatic Clinical Trials More Pragmatic
- High-Flow Nasal Oxygen vs Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure
Lancet and critical care (via Pubmed)
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
- Ethical challenges in cancer registries: public benefits and patient rights
Chest – critical care
- Analgosedation practices and the impact of sedation depth on clinical outcomes among patients requiring mechanical ventilation in the emergency department: a cohort study
- ECMO for Adult Respiratory Failure: 2017 Update
- Investing in New Technology in Pulmonary Medicine– Navigating the Tortuous Path to Success
- Rebuttal From Drs Truog and Tasker
- Counterpoint: “Should informed consent be required for apnea testing in patients with suspected brain death?" Yes
- Improved Early Detection of Sepsis in the Emergency Department with a Novel Monocyte Distribution Width Biomarker
- Video Laryngoscopy for Endotracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults: A Systemic Review and Meta-analysis
- Rebuttal From Dr Powell
- Bronchiectasis Rheumatoid Overlap Syndrome Is an Independent Risk Factor for Mortality in Patients With Bronchiectasis A Multicenter Cohort Study
- An Elderly Man With Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor and a Cavitary Right Upper Lobe Lung Mass
- A 58-Year-Old Man With Fatigue, Weight Loss, and Diffuse Miliary Pulmonary Opacities
- Giants in Chest Medicine Karlman Wasserman, MD, PhD, FCCP
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Diabetes: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Intensive Monitoring of Urine Output is Associated with Increased Detection of Acute Kidney Injury and Improved Outcomes
- Decision-making on withholding or withdrawing life-support in the ICU: A worldwide perspective
Critical Care Medicine
- The authors reply:
- Nuanced Insights on ICU Guideline Implementation
- A Word of Caution on the Danger of Noninvasive Respiratory Support During Sepsis
- The authors reply:
- Challenging Dogma: Calcium Treatment in Hyperkalemia
- Inability to Stand at ICU Discharge and Readmission: Addressing Missing Data and Confounding Factors
- Efficacy of Virtual Visitation in ICU During COVID-19 Pandemic
- The authors reply:
- Time to Intubation in Immunocompromised Patients. Minutes or Hours? That Is the Question
- Factors Associated With Readmission After Discharge From the ICU
- The authors reply:
- We Need a Clinically Relevant Sepsis Screening Tool
- The authors reply:
- Exploring the Role of Early Mobilization in Preventing ICU Readmission
- Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment in Patients With Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Phase 2, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial
- Unsupervised Classification of the Host Response Identifies Dominant Pathobiological Signatures of Sepsis in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Why Molecular Subphenotyping Is Needed in Cardiogenic Shock and How to Accomplish This
- Diaphragm Pacing in Early Critical Illness? A Plea for a Super-Relaxed Approach
- Reply to Cheng and Wei: Limitations in the Study of Vitamin D Supplementation and Severe Asthma Exacerbations
- Reanalyses of ETHOS Triple Therapy Trial Must Consider Forced Discontinuation of Prior Treatment at Randomization
- Using an Electrocautery Snare in Semirigid Thoracoscopic Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
- Special Issue for Critical Care: A Global Vision of Research and Progress
- Characterization and Mortality Risk of Impaired Left Ventricular Filling in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Reply to Shan et al.: Bone-Specific Manifestations of Spondylothoracic Dysostosis in Jarcho-Levin Syndrome
- Atorvastatin in Severity-Stratified Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: A Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial
- Is Achieving a Fully Race-Neutral Approach to Lung Function Classification Even Possible?
- Target for Today: Air Hunger
- C-Reactive Protein–based Screening of People with Tuberculosis Symptoms: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study
- Similar Weaning Success Rate with High-Intensity and Sham Inspiratory Muscle Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial (IMweanT)
- Randomized Clinical Trial of the Four Supports Intervention for Surrogate Decision-Makers in Intensive Care Units
ICM – from ESICM